Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of K5

Big exciting day! Laney really liked her outfit, she thought it looked like a uniform. She couldn't wear a necklace with this outfit because she wanted her teacher to think she was just a "regular kid". So she settled on one bracelet. Can't wait to pick her up after school and hear all about it.


...she needed these sunglasses. She's a cool chick, my baby Lex.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Picture Me Bloggin'

My goal is to update the blog at least once per week. I will try my darndest to obtain that goal. Let's see....what's new? Oh yeah, the baby: Alexa Christine. She's six weeks old today. She's sleeping in her swing right now. She likes to sleep. We went on vacation last week and she slept almost the entire time. Laney loves being a big sister and reporting to me when the baby is crying. Here she is with her Daddy, who is actually the one sleeping, but aren't they sweet?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

It's been a very long time since my last post. Thank you to sister Betsy for providing me with the email address that I used this up!

We haven't been up to much.Mike is finally back on days, so we sort of have a regular life. Laney is getting so tall! It seems like she out grew her favorite dress right before our eyes (those are her toes, in case you were wondering).

The Biggest Loser competition is over. My team didn't win. The competition kind of lost momentum due to the layoffs. But I lost 13 lbs! I probably have gained it all back by now though.
I went to the NKOTB concert on Tuesday night in Green Bay. It was so much fun. I touched Jon Knight and Joey Mac. AWESOME.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just When You Thought She Couldn't Get Any Cuter.....

Laney got her haircut on Saturday! It's a little bob and she looks so adorable. No more crying in the morning when we brush her hair.
She doesn't like having her picture taken now, though,so her Dad had to bribe her for this one. Hence, the gangsta pose.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Thanks for the Concern"

One of my coworkers really irritated me today. Luckily, he works in Florida and I blocked him on sametime so he can only contact me by email. Another bonus is he doesn't see my reaction to his relentless obnoxious-ness. An email was misdirected to me and it required a response. I forwarded to him and asked him to see the below email. I copied the person who sent it and the person the sender had copied on the original email. Idiot co-worker responds to me, as if I asked the question and ends the email with "Thanks for the Concern".

I use "thanks for your concern" when I am being sassy so I know he was trying to be a jerk. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Um, dum-dum, don't mistake my courtesy for concern.

Unfortunately, my rage over this gesture took about 1 hour to get over.

This co-worker has done other things in the past-I am not over reacting that much.

But, yesterday, before any of this happened, I did find an account that he really screwed up. That helps.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Did you know....

that newborn baby calves don't have teeth? And that you can buy one for about $400? If only my backyard were a little bigger.